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Celebrating Holy Rosary Academy’s commitment to excellence and rich Catholic Education for 70 years

Dear Holy Rosary Academy Community Member, Business Leader and Friend:

As you perhaps already know, Holy Rosary Academy is a thriving local non-profit Roman Catholic Institution, which provides thousands of students from Donelson and the surrounding communities with a strong faith-based education rooted in nurturing interdisciplinary instruction.

This year we are celebrating 70 years of outstanding Catholic Education here at Holy Rosary Academy. Our school has been able to survive and thrive amid recurring financial pressures. We have been able to maintain the viability of Catholic Education at Holy Rosary Academy in Donelson because of the resilient fundraising efforts, which have been amplified by your exceedingly generous support, and by the support of other local businesses like yours.

Without question, the most important and impactful event that helps preserve and enhance our school each year is the Annual Sapphire Soiree for Holy Rosary Academy, which is hosted by our Home and School Association. The 12th addition of this event will be held on Saturday March 1, 2025, at Treemont Mansion. The evening will entail silent and live auctions, dinner and entertainment. All proceeds will be used to update the sound system in our gym as well as much needed upgrades to our littles playground.

The attached documents contain our sponsorship and donation levels, as well as ways you can share your business with our school. We are asking that sponsorship commitments and payments be made by February 1, 2025. Auction items and monetary donations will be received up until February 21, 2025.

On behalf of the planning committee, we thank you in advance for your kind consideration and, should you choose to, your generous donation.

Early Bird Admission ON SALE NOW, CLOSES FEB 1
Early Bird Admission ON SALE NOW, CLOSES FEB 1 - Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Buy your Early Bird Admission Tickets NOW through February 1st ro receive discounted pricing!

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